Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rice Cereal

Babies grow up too fast! Last weekend Sean started eating rice cereal. He loved it! He is such an easy going baby we weren't expecting too much trouble. However, this made me realized that they don't stay babies for long and that I need to cherish everything even more than I already do.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello Hawaii

Due to the fact that I love to see my families blogs I have decided to go ahead and make my own. This was not with out hesitation since I am not the best with downloading pictures and the computer is not always my friend. However, since having Sean we have more exciting things to show you and know you want to see pictures of him growing.
A lot of exciting things have been going on. Last month I had the opportunity to travel to Hawaii for the annual dental convention. Since Scott was going on his own adventure in California with his best friend, I got to take Sean with me. Fortuntaly, my parents wanted to meet us there so they could watch Sean while I attended my classes. It turned out to be a lot of fun and Sean is a great traveler, he never made a peep on any of our flights!
Dad and I got to do some fun adventures by ourselves! We went Sea Kayaking in Kailua, went to Haloma blowhole, and went snorkeling at Hunama Bay!

Sean got to go to the beach for the first time and touch the sand and surf. The waves kinda of took him by surprise so he didn't like it that much.

Thanks sexy man in the left hand corner for adding such beauty to our picture!
He will have to be edited out later.

Sean was the best dressed baby on the beach!

Overall we had a really great trip and are glad we got to see Grandma and Grandpa Slocombe.